So I had a really hot fantasy going all day today. I'm off sick and too tired to even feel like knitting (which means death is at hand) and I kept daydreaming about some hot man inviting me over -- because he has a big pot of luxuriously gelatinous turkey stock ready for vegetables, and would I like to come over and have some? I eventually caved and went to Whole Foods for some chicken soup, where I was not propositioned by anyone with a simmering . . . soup-pot. Drat. At least it was a small break from my pity party at home. I don't think my glands have ever been this swollen. My neck is so sore I feel like I was strangled last night .
Thank Bob I had a new DVD from the library: Monarch of the Glen; which I really enjoyed, even in my foggy state.

I finally finished a quite-challenging pair of socks. These are intarsia in the round, which I hope to not do again for a long while. I think this was my first intarsia project, and i'm quite pleased with my results, but two-at-a-time method leads to four x two ends at a time, which made me a little batty. The sad part is, I'm so much more tickled with the striped heels than those difficult squares, which were a Bitch to do. Surprisingly, even with big breaks, they only took me 2 months.
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