Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dark Lace

Almanac of projects: March
I have received shipment of hemp, nettle and camel yarns from and have used my boyfriend as an umbrella swift. the hemp and nettle is going to be a farmer's market bag in Azalea lace. Cannot tell whether plan of doing 5 reps instead of 6 will cause dome shape instead of flat circular. and my selected xerox does not reveal exactly what a M.3 is, so i'm doing my own blind equivalency.
my stash closet is looking very well organized. the crochet cotton has been firmly segregated, and the wools protected.

i need homes for beading supplies (seed beads mostly) and aluminum knitting needles.

Remember, if you get a pattern or two you like from a library book, don't forget the abbrev. page!

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