Saturday, May 12, 2012
Bone Jelly
When I started it the first time, I was amazed at how sweet it smelled. A more charnel house smell seemed a reasonable expectation, but even before I added the cloves the pot had a wonderful aroma that did little to remind me of meat. Still not sure what the cloves do, they aren't prominent in the flavor. There isn't any call for salt until the final stages, and I often salt in the bowl as my primary salt addition.
One thrill was the fantastic fat cap that the broth produced:
That fat is hard, sharply separate, and easy to remove. I think the suggestion to chill it in a bowl helped a bit. The lack of a lid, and the 2 days it was in there may have contributed to the pottery-like solidity. I've never had this kind of result when making chicken broth, that's for sure.
The first batch I was able to form a second insubstantial layer when I chilled it a second time, but the bowl method seems to be more effective and I don't see a second installment forming in the refrigerator.
Beans are soaking and I'll add celery, carrots, onion, and potatoes. This bone hunt only yielded marrow bones and no shank bones, so I didn't have those nice meaty bits to add back in the soup.
I was very entertained by the beef jello that I made last time, I can't wait to use my second batch in soup again!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What Women Want

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I really shouldn't

Tallying up the items I have collected in the last year that share this hue: my toenails are coral and needed touching up (for a week). Well, the carpet is now one of the group because I knocked the bottle over. It's an old shabby carpet that should have been replaced 8 years ago, so I'm not worried, but it didn't need to match anything. I did get it to "hardly visible from across the room" which also helped with my "too much polish remover" problem.
I have of course bought yarn in this color, but I have fallen off and started buying clothes in this color. It has a pleasantly twisted relationship with grays.
Time for yoga. I got up at 5:45 on a Saturday. Sick, no?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Swine Flu Is In Your Street, It's at Your Door
After hearing NPR's story on handwashing this morning I was trying to sing my ABCs at the sink and was shocked to find that I was shockingly rusty at it. I fell apart after Q. Now, I really do know my alphabet. However, the melody is only a crutch to memory if you have used both together in the past decade, which I have not. Scrambling on that shiny slope which is not knowing the alphabet :) I backpedalled. Wondering how far I could make it in French, I ran through the 26 letters in style -- and speedily. I've done the French version more recently, and we used a totally different chanted cadence that was still the bones of the process for my brain. Hallelujah!
Having recently kicked a virus/immune problem to the floor, I have decided to keep flooding myself with echinachea, B vitamins, and C. Why quit now? If the swine flu gets to Pittsburgh, I'll be ready. Bring it!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
An Eye for an Eye

Sunday, February 22, 2009
She's lookin good, Verne

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Viva November!

Wow, October was no party. I had strep for 3 weeks -- after which I accomplished my first perfectly executed cycle of antibiotics ever, so determined to not be sick AnyMore was I. Then, the very last day as a gleeful kick in the pants (after 3 days of "defrosting" during which I never thought to cock my ear for a running motor noise) I found out Halloween morning that my refrigerator had quit. Of course by then it had not been cooling for several days and I had a mess of dairy products as usual. It took 7 garbage bags and I didn't recycle most of the food jars. It was depressing enough to throw it all out. I didn't have the necessary to clean out everything as well.
A few days ago I got the new frig and it has a normal freezer instead of a shoebox and finally I can have half-gallons of Breyers like everyone else! And without the 2inch layer of ice. I do miss my egg holes terribly though, it was so nice to see the friendly eggs all in a row.
I am still hard at work on Christmas gift for the few, the chosen. I have one man's hat done and the red lace scarf is going well, though a bit slow. I finally got past the part of the doubled yarn that I had to rewind: changed my mind about pattern.
I have six straight days with no work! Lots of knitting!