The bookmobile was such a stressful event. God help you if you left a due book at home, outside the big sturdy box we used for our three-reader supply. It was only a 7minute drive to the next stop, but my mom viewed it as a huge imposition. Once inside the bus I had to be yanked out. I always checked out my books to the sound of the engine revving up.
I was fascinated by the black woman who worked on the bus. My school was all white and I think the librarian was the first woman of color that I saw working at any job -- and a job that was so idolized! I was six and I thought she was so cool and distinguished behind the little gate.
That bookmobile may have had more books than my elementary school library, which was shoe-box-sized. I quickly rebelled against the grades 1-3 books and was allowed to take out the bigger books. We were only allowed to take out books every other week, but they let me do it every week -- a big stack from my hands to my chin (this was before tinies had backpacks).
disclaimers: this is my book, but that is the porch bench afghan, which is not of my issue or choosing! The dark circles under my eyes are totally there and not a camera shot issue. It was a bad day and i just read a 200p book in an hour and a half. You would be too!