A while back I found the Kauni cardigan along with untold hordes of other knitters. It looked addictive to knit, but surnuf some of the color sequencing got a little dicey for some folks. Some examples looked like the yarn got away from them. THEN I saw the glorious Damask Kauni here and I was sold on the yarn's possibilities.
One small problem: no way in Hades could I ever follow that pattern for more than a handkerchief. So I looked in vain for another pattern. Classic Fair Isle didn't seem a perfect fit. I wanted something with the vertical sweep of Damask, but much easier to follow and a bit more geometric. Starmore was consulted; I looked at old needlepoint journals; I marvelled that I didn't have nearly as many knitting books or magazines as I thought I did, since clearly they were insufficient to present need. Then one day i saw a photo on a blog: Joan, right after the Bohus sweaters, in exactly the type of pattern I wanted, in the same yarn. Well, easy as pie! I would go to her website or find her on ravelry, right? No. I hunted. A lot. All I found was another small photo. ARRghghhGHH.
So, I got out the good graph paper, and I did bunch of heavy squinting, and I have a chart to work from.
Just to be sure, I did try a pattern from Poetry in Stitches, but the floats were too long for comfort, and it didn't use the colors at the same rate, an important factor. And yes, that's a mistake on my swatch: I was watching the Indiana Jones movies, prepping for the new release, and apparently it got too tense for me.